After your stay in the pre-op area, you will be brought to the operating suite. In the operating suite, the staff team will introduce themselves, anesthesia will place a blood pressure cuff, EKG monitoring, and a pulse oximeter (a device placed on your finger to measure the amount of oxygen in your blood) on you. A mask will be gently placed on your face, which contains 100% oxygen. At this point medication will be given in the intravenous line to enable you to fall off to sleep.
Throughout the surgery, you will be given anesthetics and monitored very closely. In addition to your surgeon and operating room staff, a member of the anesthesia care team will be with you for all of the time you are in the operating room.
At the end of surgery, all of the anesthetic agents are discontinued and you are prepared to go to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit, sometimes called the recovery room.
Click Here to view the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit